Link Love | Friday, February 19th

Here are some links of things I've fallen in love with this week:

1. NASA is giving away awesome retro-style space travel posters created by their Jet Propulsion Labs! I only wish I had enough wall space for them all.

2. Olivia Burton is a beautiful watch brand designed by two best friends who met at fashion college in London. I'm really feeling this one with a bee motif.

3. I'm in love with embroidery lately.  I desperately joined Sarah K. Benning's notification list after coming across her beautiful work featuring succulents.

4. Juniper the fox is officially my favorite Instagram profile at the moment. The video of her jumping on the bed makes me squeal with joy!

Getting Started

I'm really good at lists; to do lists, grocery lists, books to read, music to listen to, and on and on. This is probably why I love Pinterest so much.  It lets me categorize and collect all the things I don't want to forget about on the interwebs and it's all visual.  I also love checking things off of lists.  I love the sense of completion. I feel refreshed and sort of relieved that there is one less thing I need to keep track, at least for now. Recently, I realized that I've accumulated quite the list of new things that I'd like to try.  This list has continued to get longer and longer with nothing getting crossed off.  Starting new things is hard for me.  I've always been a do it great or don't do it at all person.  Also, I've always been about the destination and not the journey. These unintended personal philosophies can be really limiting and bring one to frustration relatively quickly when learning something new. So now, I'm trying to embrace a new growth oriented mindset and I'm hoping that it's going to help me check some stuff off of this this list: "Happiness can be found in the in-between." I'm trying to ween myself off of the idea that I have to be motivated to be an expert or that things need to be perfect and that I'm prepared to do this new thing until the unforeseeable future. Beekeeping and this blog are intended to be experiments in trying new things with minimal expectations.  I expect that this blog will be awkward and imperfect and that there will be new things that I try that will inevitably get archived under "Things I May or May Not Come Back to." I hope that this will be the store of how I get over my "analysis paralysis."